Welcome to Captain Green-Jay Studios!

Animation, Comics, Stories, and More.


Captain Green-Jay Studios

Hi! I'm Captain Green-Jay!

I am the founder of Captain Green-Jay Studios, and an aspiring engineer, writer, and artist. I will provide wholesome and fulfilling media for all ages.

I plan to draw comics, make stop-motion animations, write stories, and more. As a believer in the God of the Bible (Yahweh), I will provide an entire platform for learning and growth through His son, the Messiah. Join me in this fun adventure to glorify God!

Proverbs 3:5-6:
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Captain Green-Jay

A LEGO minifigure hanging onto a yellow motorcycle with one hand while upside down.

A frame from my BRAWL (A stop-motion competition by Bricks in Motion) 2023 Entry.

A brown pencil atop an open journal on a brown wooden table

I am an avid writer!

A LEGO Stormtrooper without his helmet looking into a Nikon DSLR camera without a lense on. Also, a female construction worker is near the right-side camera.

I'm also an aspiring film maker.

The Seed Shop Patreon

Come on over and buy some seeds. Get blogs, videos, and extra content! The birds approve!

Also, join for free, then my free posts will appear in your feed! After that, you can get a free trial for my paid tiers!

The Bird Feeder

Coming Soon... Click below to go to the Patreon!